Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Mari Belajar Bahasa Jepang

Hallo semua, kali ini gw akan ngeposting tentang bahasa Jepang.
Sebenernya yah bahasa Jepang itu lumayan simple kok ^^
mari kita belajar dasar nya dulu yah.

Kita mau ngomong : " Perkenalkan, nama saya **** "
bahasa Jepangnya : " はじめまして、わたし は **** です。[ Hajimemashite, watashi wa **** desu. ]

gampang kan ?

selanjutnya, kalau mau ngomong sama orang Jepang kalau kalian itu orang Indonesia, gini nih :
" 私 は INDONESIA人 です。" [ Watashi wa Indonesiajin desu ]

Dan kalau mau kenalan agak panjangan dikit, gini nih :

はじめまして。 私 は ****です。INDONESIA人 です。今年 「UMUR」歳 に なります。どうぞよろしく おねがいします。
[ Hajimemashite. Watashi wa **** desu. INDONESIA jin desu. Kotoshi (umur) sai ni narimasu. Douzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu. ]

 artinya :
 Perkenalkan. Saya **** desu. Saya orang Indonesia. Tahun ini saya berusia ****. Mohon kerjasamanya.

Gituuu... gampang kan ?
Dan sekarang ini juga sudah banyak di toko buku terdekat , buku-buku tentang belajar bahasa Jepang seperti yang di terbitkan oleh Gakushudo, Evergreen, dll. Makanya jangan ragu belajar bahasa Jepang. ^^

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Jakarta Fair Cosplay 2011

Hey guys, i just wanna share some pictures that i wanna u guys see it. Last Sunday, June 19 2011, I went to Jakarta Fair or for Indonesian called Pekan Raya Jakarta (PRJ) . And my second costume just finished,so i went there as Katara from Avatar The Last Airbender. No more talk, let see the picts. Hopes you all like it :)

sources : Facebook
*Anggoro Adisujiwo

#The Cosplay Parade ( Random )
Kyaa, Is that Ash and his Pikachu ??? Yes Hes is !!

Kyaa.. Jyubei Chan ( Onimusha )
#Photo Session

#The Stage Performance

 Wow,  even the Iron Man came to Jakarta Fair too ^^

 Still, We must Pray For Japan. Good Job Kakashi :D

#The Judges

Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Poor Prince

Hi All, today i wanna share some pics of Poor Prince in Chinese Version starring Vic Zhou. I love Zhai Zhai so much. I know this film maybe a little bit old school for today but I just like to rewatch it again and again because it was so funny.

I'll give the synopsis

[ Read This ]
From the Japanese manga Yamadataro Monogatari. Tai Lang(Taro) is the smart, capable, and good at everything. He is the most popular with girls at school not just due to his qualities but also because of rumors that his family is the richest of the MANY very rich families at his school. But the truth is, Tai Lang lives in a poor one-room home with his mother and six siblings, scraping for every single cent and his skills come only from being the man and woman of the house. Unintentionally hiding his poverty, Taro is a kind person which makes him all the more lovable. When Long Zi falls for his exterior, she tries to seduce him to get out of the low-middle-class life she is living until she discovers the truth about his "riches"...

 Here are the pics :

Remember the Opening of the film ? Yeah, In Chinese Version, Taro / Tai Lang was in the church and making a wish to God. Every episodes the wishes are different to another. And for the opening soundtrack, they used I Wanna Hold Your Hand by Dragon 5 ( Originally from the Beatles ).
 Tai Lang and his Family. He had 3 Brothers and 3 Sisters. In his family, they've got the pretty face look. I thought that's why everbody in the film think Tai Lang was very rich. Plus, his friend Mimura/ Yu Chen, was a rich boy.

Every time Tai Lang smiles, everybody got melt with it. Including me. LOL
Thanks God Tai Lang best friend with Yu Chen . [ Gao Hao Jun ( Yu Chen ) acted so cool ]

*Taro/ Tai Lang special ability : He can hear a coin falls in a miles [ I don't know if it's good or scary ]

 After the make over, Tai Lang looks like Hua Ze Lei. Wait ! He is ! I mean Vic Zhou played that too. Of course they look the same. LOL

 His family put their wishes hanging on that tree.